eM Files

Description of the eM Files application

Place the file on the Internet so that it is publicly available. Simply and with access for multiple users administrators. Possibly from different companies. It is the mission of eM Files.

What is the location of the file on the Internet good for?

In the past, feed marketing specialists worked by editing data in XML feeds. When they needed to add data to which the feed was referring, they must wait until they would be filled in by the online store. A typical example was the completion of missing pictures of products. If no one added images to the store, it wasn't possible to improve the advertising. That's why the eM Files application has been created. It allows the user to upload files which will be available from the Internet. eM Files are thus suitable for filling in missing data. And its use is much wider.

What you use eM Files for

  • Saving images that can be referenced from an XML feed.
  • Saving configuration CSV, which can be connected to Mergado by the CSV data import rule. One file can be linked to multiple exports. By making changes in one CSV, you will affect more exports.
  • Saving CSV to create completely new exports in Mergado.
  • ...and its use is much wider.

Selected eM Files functions

  • creating of directories, files, organization of files into directories
  • uploading files to the application from your computer, both file by file and in bulk
  • access to files
  • editing of text files
  • access sharing users - access is available to everyone who has access to the online store

eM Files Preview

The files are public

The files you upload to eM Files will be available from the Internet. They will be available at an address that is not easy to guess. However, they will be available. The aim is to store, for example, public images. They are not suitable for storing classified data.

Who is the eM Files application for?

For marketing specialists and online store workers. For people who need to share files publicly.

Why try eM Files

  • Easy to install. Here in the Mergado Store, you turn on the application and start using it right away. No web hosting is required.
  • User Management in Mergado. The application is accessible to the same users who have access to your online store in Mergado. Adding or removing new users is handled by Mergado.
  • Wide range of use. Saving files is the main feature. You can come up with many ways for your files to help you.
  • Easy combination with other Mergado Store applications.

App rights

In order to work properly, the eM Files app needs the following rights:

  • Reading of user's online stores
  • Reading user's data
  • Reading project data


To activate this app it is first necessary log in .



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