Twisting Beaver


SEO via data feeds? Twisting Beaver writes data from Mergado Editor into TITLE or METADESCRIPTION elements of web pages. You can thus generate new values for key SEO elements in bulk instead of manually editing individual pages.

What Twisting Beaver can do

Improve website SEO. With minimal interference to the pages themselves.

How Twisting Beaver works

In Mergado Editor, you need a project with data. You get these either from the product feed or, for example, using Scraping Camel in the usual way. Twisting Beaver provides you with the JavaScript code. You insert this into the body of the website (online store) pages. In the Twisting Beaver settings, you then choose whether you want to control the content of the "TITLE" or "METADESCRIPTION" element via the Mergado Editor. Next, you select from which element the new value should be written to the site. Twisting Beaver will bind the values from the project to the individual pages.

Which full-text search engines will you use

  • Google: YES. JavaScript supports. However, overall usage is no guarantee. Now we present the technical solution. However, the usage is up to you.
  •**: NO. List cannot process JavaScript.

The application is for advanced users. It is currently in beta version. Use as you wish, however, everything is without guarantee :-)

App rights

In order to work properly, the Twisting Beaver app needs the following rights:

  • Reading of user's online stores
  • Reading user's data
  • Reading user messages
  • Sending messages to users
  • Reading projects in online store
  • Reading project data
  • Sending messages for online store
  • Reading export data
  • Reading of elements
  • Reading of queries
  • Reading of rules
  • Editing of rules
  • Reading of variables
  • Reading project products


To activate this app it is first necessary log in .


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