Feed Image Editor

Important Announcement. We are changing price for Feed Image Editor

Switch to annual billing and get a 20% discount


from September 1, 2024, we are adjusting the price for the Feed Image Editor application. The monthly fee without VAT will be 79 €. However, we have a special offer for you. If you are already our client with a monthly billing period and switch to annual billing by July 31, 2024, you will have the application for the whole year at 38,4 € per month without VAT. This offer also applies to new clients who will subscribe to the application for a year by July 31, 2024.

⇨ detailed scenarios for the transition to the new pricing can be found at this link

Additionally, annual billing will bring you a 20% discount on Mergado and all other applications from the Mergado Store. You have time until July 31, 2024 (inclusive).

Prices are per project.

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Better images, more sells

Feed Image Editor is an AI-powered online application for improving image advertising of your online store and increasing sells. The app supports many advertising platforms and processes images in bulk to match their criteria.

Previews of graphical templates


Main features include:


Choose which channel your ad is targeting and advertise images in the right shape, without distortion and poorly cropped parts. The app adapts the correct output format to you.



Remove inappropriate product background images and replace them as needed. With AI-powered background removal it is possible just with one click on thousands of product images.



Poor quality images discourage customers from buying and do not belong in advertising. Increase their resolution and quality, also with one click. The Upscale function enlarges the dimensions of small images and, with the help of artificial intelligence, delivers the required final shape. The images that clearly show the goods sell better.



According to the results of our data, watermarks are the biggest barrier to advertising on e-commerce platforms for online stores. It works like a small miracle - You simply mask the watermark and in a second it is gone. In a similar way you are also able to remove other inscriptions or elements directly from different parts of the product image. watermark_removal_product_images


Insert price, discount, and shipping information into images using editable templates, frames, or stickers. Customize design with your store or brand logo and choose from 150+ fonts. No graphic designer needed.


Another great features of Feed Image Editor:

Diagnostics and detection: missing images, temporarily unavailable images, unsupported format, invalid URLs, watermarks, alternative images, unsupported background, alignment and size of the product in the image, image quality, colour models, identical images the size of the image in terms of SEO, detection of empty element values

Formatting and editing: bulk editing of image groups, unlimited number of images, unlimited number of bulk edits, thumbnail gallery, custom template format, image overlap customization creation of collages from alternative images, change background colour, pre-made colour palettes, generating a colour palette from product colours, dynamic elements from the feed template activity timing, interactive help, bulk hiding of product groups

Graphic elements: pre-made templates, predefined advertising labels, pre-made stickers

Graphic effects: brightness, contrast, and gamma adjustment, automatic white balance, shadow addition effect, mirror reflection effect

Working with text: pre-made advertising slogans, text wrapping, font availability, text overflow settings, text alignment settings, curved text option

Filtering options: full-text filtering, by image width and height, by background colour by data size, creating product queries from filter results, export results to .csv

Available shapes: square, rectangle, circle, polygon, curve, frame

More detailed functionality and tutorials on how to use the features can be found on our website.


Supported output formats


For projects

  • ⭐ All formats

App rights

In order to work properly, the Feed Image Editor app needs the following rights:

  • Reading user's data
  • Sending messages to users
  • Reading project data
  • Sending messages for online store
  • Reading export data
  • Editing project data
  • Reading of elements
  • Editing of elements
  • Reading of queries
  • Editing of queries
  • Reading of rules
  • Editing of rules
  • Reading of variables
  • Editing of variables
  • Reading project products
  • Write to project products
  • Reading the history of project processing
  • Launching new project processing
  • Reading project history


To activate this app it is first necessary log in.

Read how it works or check the latest news on MERGADO forum.

You can find more tips on our social media:






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Výborná aplikácia :) Práca s ňou je jednoduchá a rýchla. Grafika sa dá pekne vyskladať alebo sa dá použiť vlastná šablóna. Jediná chyba je, že sa nedá odstrániť vodoznak a biele pozadie...


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jednoduchá aplikace, díky které mám během hodinky vytuněné produktové fotky, rychle se odliším od konkurence a mohu reklamy udělat zajímavější.


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Bohužel nám nevyhovuje, že změna je aplikována jen na hlavní fotografii a ne i na vedlejší nebo doplňkové. Cílem bylo posílat do katalogu FB přeformátované všechny fotografie, aby bylo možné spustit rotující reklamu se sliderem fotek produktů. Pokud by jste v budoucnu toto spustili, rád editor využiji.


Nefunguje generování URL do výstupního souboru


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Skvelá appka, ešte dúfame, že sa naučí odstraňovať vodoznaky :)


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