Bidding Fox

monthly 79.00 €
Available for projects
    Product feeds Data management Bidding

Bidding Fox is an automatic bidding machine for advertising management on Heureka (CZ / SK) and Zboží.cz. Customize your strategies and have them automatically controlled by the Fox. It works 24 hours a day, oversees advertising, saves time, monitors competition, helps increase sales, and reduce costs. All within a single price, regardless of the number of products or the method of bidding.

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monthly 15.00 €
Available for projects
    Data management Market research

Bidding Fox Elements is a tool that brings more information about advertising through hundreds of elements. It works not only with statistical data from comparison engines and Google Analytics but also with weather information, exchange rates, and such. The data obtained will help you with more precise targeting of advertising, automation, or addition of new data to the feed, thus increasing the performance of the online store.

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monthly 11.00 €
Available for projects
    Affiliate Data management

The Fox Data+ app allows you to monitor the dynamics of your product range in one place. With dashboards, alerts and exports, managing your listings is just that much easier.

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monthly 79.00 €
Available for projects
    PPC Market research Pricing

Úspěch e-shopu stojí na správné cenotvorbě. Pricing Fox je nástroj, který vám umožní automatizovat sledování cen konkurence a reagovat na jejich změny. Kromě toho zohledňuje vaši nákupní cenu a další vámi definované parametry, aby vaše ceny byly vždy optimální. S Pricing Foxem získáte výhodu na trhu a zlepšíte své obchodní výsledky.

Get 30 days free

monthly 22.00 €
Available for projects
    Product feeds

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