Pricing Fox


An acceptable price for the customer is the basis for the success of any online store. Pricing Fox is an app that helps you to manage your pricing taking into account the competition. At the same time, it responds flexibly to competition price movements so that your product is at its best. In addition to your competitors' current prices, the app can take into account your purchase price and other factors you set. Thus, the complete pricing will work based on the criteria that are most acceptable to you and your online store.

What Pricing Fox can do

  • revaluation according to the specific competitor or position,
  • limit the final price by set limits,
  • respect the purchase price,
  • apply the rules to all products or your queries,
  • exports of selected assortment in three formats - CSV, XLSX, HTML,
  • provide detailed information at the level of individual products,
  • monitor price developments,
  • diagnose pricing and assortment,
  • compare offers across your paired products,
  • save your time.

Why you should use Pricing Fox

  • It helps you with price optimization.
  • It's for a reasonable price, compared to the benefits.
  • Just turn it on and set everything you need.

What can you set up

  • Price distance from the selected competitor or position.
  • Rounding the calculated price.
  • Limitation of the calculated price concerning the purchase price.
  • Taking into account the maximum difference from the original price.
  • Exports enabling product monitoring.

What data does Pricing Fox work with?

Supports connection to:

  • Shoptet

  • UPgates

  • Woocommerce

  • ExitShop

  • Prestashop

  • Shopion

  • we are working on more to come.

  • The application works only with data from and

Turn on Pricing Fox for 30 days for free and then 48 € per month.

Application previews

For projects

  • ⭐ All formats

App rights

In order to work properly, the Pricing Fox app needs the following rights:

  • Reading of user's online stores
  • Reading user's data
  • Sending messages to users
  • Reading project data
  • Reading online store's statistics
  • Reading online store's statistics sources
  • Reading online store's Google Analytics
  • Sending messages for online store
  • Reading export data
  • Editing project data
  • Reading of elements
  • Editing of elements
  • Reading of queries
  • Editing of queries
  • Reading of rules
  • Editing of rules
  • Reading Google Analytics project
  • Reading project products
  • Write to project products
  • Reading project statistics
  • Reading the history of project processing
  • Launching new project processing
  • Reading project history


To activate this app it is first necessary log in .



Perfektní aplikace pro eshopy. Snadné nastavení a ovládání. Pro nás splňuje vše, dle očekávání.


Funguje dobře a k dispozici jsou detailní statistiky.


Rychlá a spolehlivá aplikace. Po nastavení a propojení s e-shopem jsou okamžitě vidět výsledky. Doporučuji všem e-shopům, kteří jsou připraveni na automatickou cenotvorbu.


Velice funkční vychytávka. Ale dá zabrat nastavit ;)


Za mě je super, že proti konkurenci poskytuje hromadu analytických možností, filtrování a všechno se dá vyexportovat. Samotná cenotvorba je docela ok, ale ještě je na čem dělat. Na druhou stranu apka je mladá a neustále se rozvíjí, takže počitám, že se časem vše vychytá ;)


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