MERGADO Translate

About the app

With MERGADO Translate you automatically translate products or texts from a web page that you have in Mergado exports (usually XML feeds or CSV).

How the app helps you

  • It translates data in exports in Mergado to required languages.
  • It uses the API of DeepL or Google Translate for translations.
  • Initial translation is usually complete within minutes up to one hour, depending on the number of products or other texts.
  • New products will be translated automatically during the normal automatic feed regeneration in Mergado.

Available languages:

  • European (Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish)
  • other (Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian)

How to operate the app

  1. Set a connection to a translator you want to translate with (Google Translate or DeepL).
  • Google Translate provides a free introductory credit for translation worth $300. That can be enough to translate around 20k products (depending on the length of the texts).
  • DeepL is, according to many sources, the best machine translation on the market,
  1. Create a translation rule in the app. You set:
  • which translator to use,
  • which languages to translate from and to,
  • what products query (selection of products) to translate,
  • which elements from the feed to translate.
  1. The translation is processed by applying rules during feed regeneration in Mergado.
  2. Manual tuning of translations is possible via manual editing of products or by rules in Mergado.

Examples of use

  • Translation of online store for expansion to another country.
  • Translation of product data for foreign advertising or marketplaces.
  • Translation of product data from foreign suppliers.
  • Translation of product data for foreign wholesale buyers.

Translation price

When translating with MERGADO Translate, you pay for the use of the application (first 30 days free) + the price of the translation itself in Google Translate or DeepL. You have an account in the translation service in your own name.

ATTENTION: Translation costs consist of two components (more below)

  1. The application itself.
  2. Translation via DeepL or Google Translate.

Google Translate pricing

  • $10 monthly fix fee with free credit for translating 500k characters.
  • Additional translation for $20 per 1 million characters.
  • Option to use free introductory credit (300 USD), which is enough to translate around 20k products
  • See price list

Price list DeepL

  • 5 EUR monthly fix fee with free credit for translation of 500k characters.
  • Additional translation for 20 EUR per 1 million characters
  • You can set limits per month
  • See price list

Example of translation prices on an example e-shop:

  • E-shop with 10 000 products.
  • Single product has on average 700 characters for translation.
  • 10% of the texts are duplicate texts that are repeated across products. MERGADO Translate doesn't send the duplicates for translation, so it saves you money for not translating the same texts again.
  • 500 new products are added to the e-shop every month.

Price summary

First month MERGADO Translate is for free for the first month, you only pay for the use of the translator services.

  • DeepL 121 EUR
  • or Google Translate $10 or $126, depending on whether you use the free introductory credit or not.

Other months

  • DeepL 5 EUR + MERGADO Translate 18 EUR.
  • Google Translate 10 USD + MERGADO Translate 18 EUR.

The detailed price calculation is below. Prices are without VAT.

Initial translation (in detail)

In the initial translation, 10 000 products with 700 characters each have to be translated. That is 7 million characters. MERGADO Translate finds that 10% of the texts are only duplicates, so it sends only 6.3 million characters of unique texts for translation.

Price with Google Translate

  • 10 USD monthly fix fee (covers 0.5 million characters)
  • Translation of 5.8 million characters 116 USD (if you don't use Google API yet, the initial translation will be covered by a free initial credit)

Price with DeepL

  • 5 USD monthly fix fee (covers 0.5 million characters)
  • Translation of 5.8 million characters 116 EUR

Monthly translation costs for new products (in detail)

500 new products with 700 characters each are added to the e-shop per month. That is 350 thousand characters. MERGADO Translate finds that 10% of the texts are only duplicates, so it sends only 315k characters of unique texts for translation.

Price with Google Translate

  • 10 USD fix fee will cover the complete translation of new products.

Price with DeepL

  • 5 EUR fix fee will cover the complete translation of new products.

App previews

App rights

In order to work properly, the MERGADO Translate app needs the following rights:

  • Reading of user's online stores
  • Reading user's data
  • Reading projects in online store
  • Reading project data
  • Reading online store's statistics
  • Sending messages for online store
  • Reading export data
  • Editing project data
  • Reading of elements
  • Editing of elements
  • Reading of queries
  • Editing of queries
  • Reading of rules
  • Editing of rules
  • Reading project products


To activate this app it is first necessary log in .



How to connect translation services APIs

For setting up translation, you first need to connect to the API (a two-way "pipe" for data transfer) of external translation services.

Setting the maximum price quotas for translation

In the settings of translation services, you can set quotas on the amount of translations processed, i.e. their price. So you don't have to worry about spending unreasonable amounts.

How to switch from another translator without losing data

You can start with our application without losing the already translated data. MERGADO will help you to convert your data directly.

How not to lose translations

Creating a translation rule

Once you have created a connection to the external translation service, you can create a translation rule. On the Rules page, click the New Rule button.

Fill in fields to create a translation rule.

After you click on the New Rule button, the translation rule will be saved.

Immediate re-generation of export

For faster translation, you can manually regenerate the export in Mergado instead of waiting for regular re-generation.



Mergado Translate používám pro překlad názvu a popisu produktů dodavatelského feedu a překvapilo mě, jak vše při nastavování šlo hladce. Překlad nebylo třeba nijak upravovat.


Nejde zadat 2 vstupní Jazyky.


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Neustále se pravidlo samo vypíná a nic nepřekládá.


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Translate mi pomáhá klientům překládat feedy pro SK Heureku, ale používám ji i při zahraniční expanzi a nebo u překladů e-shopů. Překlady přes DeepL a nebo přes Google nejsou dokonalé, ale rychlost překladu a cena to vynahradí.


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