Mergado Store

Apps expand the possibilities of Mergado with new tools that can increase Mergado's benefit for your online store. In each app's detail you can find out what it is used for, what formats it supports, whether the app is paid or free and other useful information.

Choose from the list of available apps those that will help you increase sales of your online store.

Available apps

Bidding Fox

Bidding Fox
monthly 79.00 €
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK], Zboží.cz [CZ]
Bidding Fox is an automatic bidding machine for advertising management on Heureka (CZ / SK) and Zboží.cz. Customize your strategies and have them automatically controlled by the Fox. It works 24 hours a day, oversees advertising, saves time, monitors competition, helps increase sales, and reduce costs. All within a single price, regardless of the number of products or the method of bidding.
    Market research Data management Bidding Gadgets

Feed Image Editor

Feed Image Editor
monthly 79.00 €
Available for formats: ⭐ All formats
For bulk and automated editing of product images, all you need is the XML / CSV feed of your online store and a few start settings. Our online application offers you 5 main features: format adjustment, background removal, upscale, graphic adjustments and elements and removing or adding watermarks. Feed Image Editor will bring you better images that not only look good, but attract more customers.
    Image marketing Gadgets PPC Background removal Watermark removal Upscale AI Graphic editing

Pairing Bear

Mergado Core
monthly 12.00 €
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK]
Pairing Bear is a tool that helps you pair products on Heureka automatically in a few clicks. Uses data from the Heureka Product Pairing report.

Bidding Fox Elements

Bidding Fox
monthly 15.00 €
Available for formats: ⭐ All formats
Bidding Fox Elements is a tool that brings more information about advertising through hundreds of elements. It works not only with statistical data from comparison engines and Google Analytics but also with weather information, exchange rates, and such. The data obtained will help you with more precise targeting of advertising, automation, or addition of new data to the feed, thus increasing the performance of the online store.
    Pricing Market research Data management Bidding Pairing Gadgets

MERGADO Marketplaces

MERGADO Extensions Development
monthly 3.00 €
Available for online stores
With Mergado Marketplaces you can easily upload products from the product feed in Mergado Editor to Allegro and Kaufland. The app helps you pair product offers to the marketplace's catalog, list unique products, and automatically sync product data and availability.
    Pricing Pairing Gadgets

MERGADO Translate

MERGADO Extensions Development
monthly 18.00 €
Available for online stores
Are you thinking of expanding abroad? With Mergado Translate you can translate your feed into more than 25 languages. Automatically, without the cost of a translator.
    Data management Gadgets Translations

Pricing Fox

Bidding Fox
monthly 79.00 €
Available for formats: ⭐ All formats
Pricing Fox is an application that will help you change prices concerning your competition. It reacts flexibly to the evolution of competitive prices so that your product is at its best.
    Pricing Market research Data management Gadgets

Fox Data+

Bidding Fox
monthly 11.00 €
Available for formats: ⭐ All formats
The Fox Data+ app allows you to monitor the dynamics of your product range in one place. With dashboards, alerts and exports, managing your listings is just that much easier.
    Collaboration Market research Data management Gadgets

Mergado Logbook

Mergado Core
For free
Available for online stores
Mergado Logbook je aplikace pro vedení zápisů o řízení inzerce, důležitých událostech, zkrátka o všem, co je dobré evidovat. Umožní Vám vést si poznámky přehledně a na jednom místě, takže je snadno dohledáte.

Clicking Goat

monthly 15.00 €
Available for formats: ⭐ All formats
Clicking Goat can write valuable data to your export in the MERGADO Editor. It was the first to support the PPC advertising system Sklik. The app can get the average search rate or average cost per click from it and write it into an element in the export.
    Data management PPC AI

Blending Bull

monthly 11.00 €
Available for online stores
It downloads multiple input XML feeds and combines into a single output XML, can be further processed. For example in Mergado.
    Data management Gadgets

Twisting Beaver

monthly 15.00 €
Available for online stores
SEO via data feeds? Twisting Beaver writes the data from Mergado Editor into the TITLE or METADESCRIPTION elements of the website. You can thus generate new values for key SEO elements in bulk instead of manually editing individual pages.

Pricing Rank

Michal Wiglasz
monthly 15.00 €
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK]
Příliš drahé nebo zbytečně levné? Aplikace Pricing Rank vám poskytne přehled o tom, jak si stojí vaše zboží v porovnání s konkurencí a pomůže vám nastavit vaši cenovou politiku. Snadno tak zjistíte, u kterých položek si i při zdražení udržíte požadovanou pozici.
    Pricing Market research


MERGADO Extensions Development
monthly 11.00 €
Available for online stores
With MERGADO Drive, you can download supplier feeds from your suppliers' FTP repositories, prepare your own FTP space for uploading product feeds, and connect your Mergado to suppliers. After the initial setup of the app, the process of downloading and uploading feeds works automatically. So you will always have the data up to date. You can grant and deny access to individual feeds, which makes MERGADO Drive also suitable for agencies that manage supplier feeds to multiple online stores.
    Data management Gadgets

PPC Wolf

monthly 11.00 €
Available for online stores
PPC Wolf allows you to create advertising campaigns in Google Ads or Sklik. Classic search ads created by PPC Wolf via API from Mergado export data. It helps you to extend your product ads to another format. In addition, you can advertise non-product items - such as categories, manufacturers, and so on. These PPC Wolf can also be used by websites that do not have an online store.

eM Files

monthly 11.00 €
Available for online stores
eM Files is an application that allows you to save files on the Internet so that they are accessible 24 hours a day. Thanks to this, you can fill in missing images, configuration CSV, or, for example, upload a CSV to create a new export.

Scraping Camel

monthly 37.00 €
Available for online stores
Download the ENTIRE WEB to one CSV. Scraping Camel will do it for you and will keep the CSV content updated with new information as you change the site.
    SEO tools Data management AI

Symlink Stork

monthly 11.00 €
Available for online stores
The Symlink Stork app allows you to create new addresses for your existing files, e.g. with data feeds for your clients or other files.
    Data management Gadgets

Seznam Index Checker

Ondřej Chvojka
monthly 7.00 €
Available for online stores
Stay up to date with the status of indexed pages at Seznam! Using connection with Seznam Reporter, Seznam Index Checker app will check if your feed URL addresses are correctly indexed.
    SEO tools

URL Checker

Ondřej Chvojka
monthly 7.00 €
Available for online stores
Do you want to make sure you're not leading visitors to a 404 error, or that URLs aren't redirected, and you're losing the sources of visits in Google Analytics? Try our app!
    SEO tools


monthly 69.00 €
Available for online stores
Activate 20% discount in Google Ads by joining Kvinono.

Mergado ToDo List

Mergado Core
For free
Available for online stores
Organize your tasks into a simple ToDo list. It is suitable for keeping completed tasks for individual exports.

Mergado Pages

Mergado Core
For free
Available for online stores
Uložte si informace o e-shopu přímo do Mergada a pohodlně je sdílejte v pracovnímtýmu. Aplikace Pages vám poskytne místo pro tvorbu dokumentace jednoduchou, apřitom elegantní formou.

Weekday Bidding Booster

Bidding Fox
monthly 22.00 €
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK], Zboží.cz [CZ]
Máte některé dny v týdnu vyšší konverzní poměr a jiné zase nižší? Zohledněte to při stanovení nabídek zaprokliky. V aplikaci Weekday Bidding Booster jednou stanovíte, který den v týdnu chcete za inzerci připlatit akterá naopak ušetřit, a Mergado pak upravuje nabídky za prokliky automaticky za vás.

Heureka Watchdog

monthly 7
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK]
Heureka Watchdog allows you to see the depth of advertising on Heureka like no other. Also, it offers tools to solve specific mistakes with a few clicks.

Pricing Monitor

monthly 7
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK]
Wrong prices deprive you of profit every day. They can be too high, directing customers to your competition or, conversely, too low and run out your margin. Uncover them. The Pricing Monitor application will show you incorrect prices and will monitor them carefully.


monthly For free
Available for formats: - product feed [CZ], - product feed [SK], Zboží.cz (starý formát) [CZ], Zboží.cz [CZ]
Repairman improves your XML for Czech and Slovak Heureka and Zboží.cz so that your online store gets more visits and earns more money.


monthly For free
Available for online stores
Avoid the losses caused by the suspension of profitable advertising due to credit depletion. Every day, Credito checks how much credit is left in the TOP product search engines and notifies when it is close to zero. All clearly, from one place and for free.

Mergado Keychain

monthly For free
Available for online stores
Mergado Keychain is used to store passwords and other information, necessary for the operation of other applications. It is free, and several other applications require "a cooperation" with it.